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File List  |  1995-07-09  |  2KB  |  31 lines

  1. ACTS401.ZIP     244353   05-09-95 Acts of Apostles v4.01. Graphic           
  2.                                   interactive Bible atlas and quiz based    
  3.                                   on the New Testament book of Acts.        
  4. AUFSC_SA.ZIP     80948   06-07-95 Collection of essays on religious         
  5.                                   left-wing American's United for           
  6.                                   Seperation of Church and State.           
  7. BIBHLP11.ZIP     59027   04-15-95 Bible Help v1.1. Answers to most of       
  8.                                   life's troubles according to the bible.   
  9.                                   Also, teaches Christian virtues and       
  10.                                   character, and supplies biblical help     
  11.                                   for many specific problems you may        
  12.                                   encounter.                                
  13. BISTDY.ZIP      354608   04-25-95 BiStudy v1.0. Menu driven Bible reading   
  14.                                   and study tool.                           
  15. NEWTEST.ZIP     376689   06-08-95 The New Testament of the Bible in a       
  16.                                   Windows Help File.                        
  17. POWRPRYR.ZIP     44715   05-06-95 Power Through Prayer. Challenging         
  18.                                   "classic" Etext on the devotional life.   
  19. PRACT9.ZIP       15148   04-26-95 Practical religion. Chapter 9             
  20.                                   "freedom".                                
  21. WEIGHED1.ZIP    146383   06-10-95 Weighed and Found Wanting. Excellent      
  22.                                   booklet written by charismatic pastor     
  23.                                   Bill Randles on the Toronto Blessing.     
  24. WHEEL017.ZIP     23236   04-03-95 Three Cardinal Discourses of the          
  25.                                   Buddha, translated by Nanamoli Thera      
  26.                                   (Buddhist Publication Society "Wheel"     
  27.                                   Publication No. 17).                      
  28. WHSUTTAS.ZIP      2372   04-03-95 Index to Suttas found in BPS "Wheel"      
  29.                                   Booklets. (Bullitt, ed.) 1st edition      
  30.                                   4/3/95.                                   